
May 2023 Edition

What is clear from the various contributions to this months Offshore feature, is that it is not as straight forward as simply deciding what the general offshore average is and whether you are looking at long- or short term investing. Advice is not only essential to this process, but advisors should also be consulting technical experts when it comes to factors like regulatory requirements and pitfalls in the various jurisdictions. It can be a minefield, where clients lose, rather than benefit, from their diversification efforts.
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April 2023 Edition

Insurance is all about risk; identifying it, understanding it, quantifying it, pricing it, and managing it. When it comes to SME insurance, knowing your client is knowing his/her business. You need as much information as possible, on a continuous basis, to track the client and by proxy your, risk exposure. This brings to the fore a variety of specific touch points that should almost form the pillars of your brokerage: The client relationship, Data and Skill. Be sure to take a look at our SME feature in this months edition for more on these touchpoints.
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March 2023 Edition

The latest crime statistics show that a car or motorcycle is stolen every 13 minutes in South Africa. The scary part is that hijackings have also increased at the same rate. As the technology that makes our cars work improve, so do the techniques of the criminals. It is a race between several sectors, for the heart of the car. If you would like to know how to protect the risk profile of your motor book and assist your clients to stay safe, we have some content in our March issue that can assist.
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February 2023 Edition

Financial advice providers are now regarded as professionals held to high ethical and expertise standards, protecting consumers and ensuring quality advice. Brokers are taking advantage of risk management services and tech opportunities, as revealed in our recent survey. Check out this month's advice feature for insights on the shifting role of financial advice professionals.
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January 2023 Edition

The increasing severity, frequency and wide impact of adverse global events have become a serious headache for everyone. Our own local woes, with load shedding, crime and unemployment set the stage for another year where agility and adversity management will be key to survival. Our January issue is packed with interesting thoughts on the year to come, the challenges and the opportunities that we face. Enjoy the read.
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FPI Professionals convention 2022

The time is now!
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